Change Management “Must Haves” in a nutshell

Change management can be a tricky activity. Often underestimated in project work, a poorly design change management plan can lead in the worst case to a complete failure of your project.

This is why we listed 8 important points that you should respect to be a successful change manager!

8 Change Management Must Haves

This article has been first published in our initiative*magazine #14: „Mergers, Acquisitions and Carve-outs: Reshaping for success“ (free download).


Table of Contents


full acceptance of the Senior Management for the
Change Management processes.

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precise definitions of success
and communicate expectations
early in the process.


cost scenarios which show the
impact of not or inadequately
applying Change Management
in the project management process.

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and coach key players who
act as multipliers and internal
ambassadors of the change.
The scope can span from
sharing detailed information
about the deal strategy up to a
precise argumentation briefing.

This article was first published in our initiative*magazine #14:

„Mergers, Acquisitions and Carve-outs: Reshaping for success“


a comprehensive communication dialogue with impacted people
at eye level.
This tailor-made
communication includes specific
local requirements and challenges.
Especially if the communication
is kept up over a long period of
time, the trust level will increase
thanks to authentic behaviour and

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that agile competencies are
mastered in order
to find solutions fast
in case of external changes.

Make sure...

that change is not only communicated
but also trained!
Impacted people need to understand,
experience and feel the change.
Ideally, this happens in protected
environments with sufficient time
to visualise the change through
Allow time for
as this is key to internalise
a new behaviour.

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HR and/or Change Managers
about the market environment,
products and the deal strategy

in order to help them contribute
to core processes and think
in terms of value, costs and

Did we miss an important point? Let us know in the comments! We will gladly update the list with your inputs!


In the meantime, amontis will guide through your Change Management activities. The first talk is free of charge.

How can we help for your Change Management activities?

amontis has many years of experience of helping companies to successfuly design and implement their change management plans. For this, we follow the IMCM® framework, the international standard for Change Management (read more here:

We also design special trainings to give you the best knowledge and tools to carry on successfuly with your Change Management activities (find our Change Management trainings here).


If you need further consultancy, just get in touch with us our first conversation is free of charge.

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Mathieu Blondeau

Mathieu Blondeau is a Marketing specialist with a strong international background. Open-minded and motivated, he gives the best to overcome new challenges.

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