Recent developments happened quickly and many didn’t last long. Trend spotting seems to produce eye strain more than anything else these days.
Between change and continuity
Trends call for continuous change and business renewal. But there is a fine line between innovative progression and creative chaos. It is also a tough call to decide whether it is time to wait and see where things are heading or the right moment in time to take action and use a window of opportunity.
Balancing change and continuity is crucial since most changes require not only a substantial financial investment, but also an emotional one. Most people need a minimum of continuity and routine to feel confortable and to build trusting relationships. Too many frequent changes deter customers and employees and may also harm the business‘ brand and image.
At the same time, innovations are the foundation for sustainable business continuity. Changes are not only the result of an internal decision but also of an external evolution or revolution. Likewise, change doesn’t necessarily arise from an active and concious decision but may be forced upon or even be the consequence of inaction.
This issue is a compilation of articles published in German over the past two years and is dedicated to the corporate challenge of balancing the needs of change, people and value creation. In the name of the entire amontis team, I wish you an insightful, interesting and enriching reading experience.
Arlette Dumont du Voitel.
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